Cancel Registration
Trip Date Mar 23 2024 08:00 AM

Led by Dr. Lytwyn
The Galveston field trip is an all-day trip (8 am-5 pm) with a focus on coastal and fluvial processes. This trip will make stops for students to purchase food/beverage, or you can bring your own. You will need to be on campus by 7:30 am for this trip There will be a bathroom on the bus. More information will be communicated closer to the trip day.

Please use your email address to register.

Important: This field trip requires confirmation two weeks before the trip!
Registering for this trip does not guarantee you a seat on the bus, it is only the first step. On Friday, March 8, registered students will receive an e-mail asking to confirm their participation in the trip. Only by following the instructions on confirming your attendance will guarantee your seat. Confirmed seats are given on a first come, first-served basis, and confirmation will close on March 18, or when all seats are confirmed. Starting March 18, any remaining seats will be offered to the waiting list.

Registration closes 2 weeks before the trip to allow for confirmation of participants. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your registration to open a spot for another student.

Trip date has passed. You are not able to cancel your registration.